Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hemenway Park in Boulder City, NV

For years, I'd go hiking hoping to spot a big horn sheep.  I saw tons of lizards and birds but never could spot that big horn.  One day when I was complaining about this, a co-worker told me about this park in Boulder City where the big horn sheep go to graze.  Sure enough, when we drove out there, there they were!  Tons of them, all accustomed to humans, so the sight of seeing these magnificent creatures near the playground with kids playing was pretty funny.  A few weeks ago I went out there again and saw...the babies!  This is one of my all time favorite places in Nevada. I could sit and watch them all day long.

This baby kept staring at me.

Two babies who followed me.

Momma and babies .


  1. Love this new blog about where I grew up! So happy that someone is showing what there is to offer besides gambling. Amazing photography!

  2. Thanks Diana! If you know of any other places, let me know! :)
